Most practices will include yoga mat and basic equipment but with classes often getting hot and sweaty you might want to invest in your own gear. Besides, having your own equipment will allow you to practice at home, increasing your chances of mastering the art of yoga. To get started, Barcelona Prestige Editor, James Drakeford, talks us through the must have items and why you need them.

Yoga Mat: This is an absolute essential. You will be hard pressed to find someone practicing yoga without it. The non-slip material will keep your hands and feet in place whilst its cushioned padding will protect your knees and body during a variety of different yoga poses.



Mat Cleaners: Yoga can build up a good sweat as you work muscles you’re not used to using. You won’t want lie down on a stinking mat so keep it sparkling clean and smelling fresh by washing it regularly with deodorising spray.


Yoga Towel: Your yoga mat can quickly turn into a slip-and-slide once those sweat glands are activated. A yoga mat towel will offer better grip and absorbency for those sweaty workouts whilst also being more convenient to carry on the go for studio or class visits.


Yoga Blanket: Most classes finish with a brief pause to unwind (Shavasana). However, after working up a sweat it can suddenly feel quite cold to lie still. By arming yourself with a blanket you will ensure the chills do not ruin your relaxation.


Blocks & Bricks: A block can be used to promote better alignment, offer support, and enhance your pose. They are great for beginners and those who are generally less flexible. Cork blocks are better for greater stability; foam blocks are lighter making them more convenient for travel.



Yoga Belt: A simple but effective tool, the yoga belt (or strap) can extend your stretch and lengthen your reach. As someone with limited flexibility, I find straps particularly useful for hamstring stretches such as Supta Padangusthasana.



Yoga Bag: For the international yogi. Perfectly shaped to carry your mat, these bags also have plenty of room to carry other essential yoga gear and wear. There is also a concealed pocket for you to put your valuables during classes.



Incense: Turn your living room or bedroom into your own personal yoga studio by setting the mood right with some incense. As you enter Shavasana at the end of your practice you may even feel like you’ve drifted off all the way to India!


For high quality yoga equipment and accessories visit www.yogaye.com or call +34 644 355 000.