The Baltics Prestige Awards 2022/23

Latvia’s Central Statistics Bureau revealed that this summer saw two-times more travellers and two times as many nights spent by them when compared to 2021 figures. Furthermore, Lithuania’s Ministry of Economy highlighted four-times more foreign tourists stayed in Lithuanian accommodation establishments during this year’s first half compared to last year’s.

Evidently, the three nations’ shared and distinct cultures, cuisine and climates are continuing to prove worthy of exploration, and while we have always believed this to be the case, this edition of Baltics Prestige showcases exactly why the region warrants the purchase of that plane ticket immediately. Biased though I may be – given that my entire ancestry surrounds this charming second city’s borders – Kaunas is one such destination that has really come into its own these past few years. You can find our guide on the qualities that make Kaunas so unique, alongside the best things to see, do and eat on page 28.

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